10/10 Would travel to in order to crush some heratics.
10/10 Would travel to in order to crush some heratics.
Your landscapes look really cool! Keep up the good work dude.
Really gotta hand it to yah this is great!
Awww I like the weird little tepir.
Now Mr. Mime.... that one's horrifying.
It's those eyes man, and that trunk... And that whole... Eating the dreams of children...
Scare me that guy.
Might be boring but when it's a hot summer day nothing beats ice cold water.
Great work!
Thank you! :D Ooh yes nothing wrong with the classic!
I think I'll say goodbye!
I've always loved those old monster designs. Great work!
Randy the Rancher wondered why his cattle kepted exploding.
He doesn't wonder anymore.
Age 29
Joined on 8/6/20